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hii i feel so bad for asking this, but i'm really struggling to get all the endings (it's a pretty big game and i love it). would still be up for paying some $$ to get a walkthrough. is that still happening some time? xx

Hi! Lately there is a few people doing me for it, so I'm gonna do it. (The art book stopped because the artist for it quits. So I might just release the walkthrough without the art book)

how great, looking forwad to that. would've loved to see the art book, but we can't have everything we want in life. i think the people who played this game, would be more than happy to just have a walkthrough. thank you for the answer!

I don't know if I've reached all the endings!

is there a list or something? I want to make sure I've enjoyed all of this! :D

Basically all the endings have CGs on the gallery, so if all the images on the gallery are unlocked, then you have unlocked everything!

thankyousomuch! I can't even put into words how amazing everything is. also Zen became more attractive after his haircut (even though it's the same exact person).

mkay I'm off to explore Fantasia many more times >:)

Thank you so much! <3

Hello! I am replaying this game.  Could anyone give me hints on which 

Routes  i need to finish to get Zen's good ending?

Zen, Fatima and Malik's. Altair's route is not required.


if you're thinking about playing this game, you definitely should. it's a game with a LOT of content, lore and choices. i haven't played the other games to azure, however i can say that i am HOOKED on this game.  it's well written, the CGs are beautifully made and the music is great. 

the characters you meet have all different qualities and you'll fall in love with every single one of them. ash is a MC that's (in my opinion) also easy to love, with good comebacks to both the other characters and the narrator! if i had anything to add on the cons list, it would be that there's a few words that's spelled incorrectly, mostly just the mix up with her and him in a few sentences, however it's not a big issue and you can just look past it. also i'm really struggling to get like all the endings, its SO hard bc the game is so big, and i have no idea when the new endings starts to branch and what kind of choices i have to make to get the different endings. I WANT THEM ALL. sooo if anyone's got like some sort of walkthrough, that would help out a lot. i know that last year we were supposed to be able to buy a walkthrough from azure, but due to pregnancy, it was postponed (i'm guessing the baby has arrived now so congratulations are in order!!) and i'm not rushing to get an official or a big walkthrough, just some small pin-points to get the different characters endings.

other than that, it's an amazing game and i truly appreciate all the hard work that the developer has done, especially since they have a fulltime job and family!! i love it and i thank you azurextwilight for making this game. keep up the good work, xx


Thank you so much for still creating content. I used to play your games back when only Lemma Soft was active. It's been so many years and I appreciate your dedication, and drive to continue being passionate and growing in your hobby. I am older now and wish that generosity follows you wherever you go. I can't explain how much the Fantasia series meant to me!

Thank you! And if you haven't known, we have a very nice surprise from the Fantasia series on January! ;) Look forward to it!!!


Is the artbook and official guide still something you plan on releasing? 


It has been postphoned due to pregnancy, so I am taking a bit of break from dev-ing ^^;


Ah, understood lol. Congratulations on the pregnancy! 


Thank you so much!


azureXtwilight!!! It's so good to finally see your name on itchio! 

I've just started to play 'At Regimes End' and I'm so happy to see it's finally been completed! 

The writing, music, art, lore, and story-building are so captivating as always. I've got to say. 

I remember growing up as a young teen and stumbling upon your games and then often lurking on Lemmasoft Forums waiting for your next update hahaha. 

I would replay the other Fantasia series again and again whenever I'm feeling down or whenever I feel as if I'm going to forget the story soon. Your games are literally what spiralled me into this huge VN geek I am today (but no regrets!!) cuz your productions always got that *kick* others don't. It was honestly quite a life-changer for me, VNs were just starting out during that time and your works were like bright stars twinkling and shining in the night sky, illuminating the way...

 I really aspire to produce something as amazing as yours someday too!

I hope work and life get easier for you! Aaaaaaaaa there's so much I wanna say but I don't want this to turn into an essay! You rock! I love you! Take care of yourself!<333

For the others that are reading this, go and give their works a try! It is a LIFE-CHANGING experience, I guarantee you. Give all of them a try! 100/10


Oh my gosh your post truly made my day (I had a very bad day) and I want you to know that it really warms my heart so to read this comment at this exact moment. 

I am so happy that I can make others happy through my work and I really hope it can motivate you to tell yout own stories! 

Best of luck!!! 


I've waited this game for so long!! I've been playing your game since 2013!! I must say the wait is worth it!! What an amazing spectacular world you have built!! I love everything!! the story and the writing is so goooooood I can't sleep because I need to know how it all ends!! 

I've played every route, but it seems I still haven't stumbled into Fatima's route, but over everyone, I love Zen's a LOT!!! I cried, I smiled, I giggled sm, I cried again, and I just want what's best for him TT_TT)/!!

also there was a few typos, but also an error when I played Zen's ending 5, I just clicked ignore since I clicked rollback didn't do anything and I'm glad I still can reach the ending!

To anyone who's going to play enjoy playing it for hours!! the best hours of your life!! :D!!

Aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!! Thank you so much and thanks for letting me know about the error! Is it possible for you to screenshot it??? 

sure, where should I send it??

If you have twitter, you can send over it to my dm @azureXtwilight! Or upload it here in the comments! 

sent it on twitter!

Thank you! 


Hii! have you posted the walkthrough yet? I'd love to purchase :3

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Not yet, I'll be finishing it after Otome Jam ends! ^^ I'm halfway there~


looking forward to it!! words cannot express how much i love your game heheh


It is impressive. Like honestly this whole game is just plain impressive. I never expected myself to enjoy it so much. The story, the banter, the angst, the romance, and just everything is beautiful. I think I will continuously just replay and replay this game because it is honestly just amazing. I am waiting eagerly for the walkthrough so that I can get all the endings possible. 


Thank you so much for playing! The walkthrough is a bit delayed due to jams and problems on my end, but please do wait for it!

I love this game but how can I purchase the walkthrough?

Thanks! I had problems with itch. Io refunds so  I had to try to look elsewhere to sell the walhtrough!

Ohh so will it be available for purchase at a later date?


Yes, it'll be available after otome jam is done! ^^

Im a month late ๐Ÿ‘€ I didn't notice the publish. I'll come back after I download and play this

Thank you so much!!! ^^


Thank you for this amazing work! My full review on the game.

Thank you so much for taking the time to review!

I wish to post the review on my twitter if you're okay with it!

Sure, I'm okay with it!
I haven't played all of your games, only Fantasia series and Doppelganger, but I definitely want to check them all now.
Good day to you!

the walkthrough will be bought?

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Yes ^^ I am still working on it! 

It's been years since I played your first game. It was such a surprise to see this. 

I hope you enjoy this!



I hope you like it!!!


oh my gosh. i'm still missing some endings, but i played through quite a few of them already - and i just got the one that seemed canon (cuz in a sense, almost everyone had loose ends tied together, and they seemed happy) (Zen's 5th end)  hahahaha. 

you know, i rmb stumbling upon your games when i was like a pre-teen hahaha. i played all the Fantasia Games back then (ROT, ROTA, and even like the demo for MOGT). I rmb even joining the Fantasia Game Forums and beta-testing for Doppelganger hahaha. Then, I took quite a long break from online communities (DevaintArt in particular). 

It felt super long ago (am 23 now), but I could still vividly remember how your games made me felt back then as a somewhat lonely teen ahahha, and the joy that your stories have brought me.  

So I'm really happy to be able to play something you made again - I think you're super cool for making it free to play still. hehe. I loved this one so much! Ash felt like a super non-traditional main character and I  liked that (she felt almost like a side character whose life we get to peek into, given how much Fatima seemed to be more of  the "chosen one" at first glance hahaha).  For the routes - I rlly liked Altair, but also found him to be super cute with the other girls he might've ended up with depending on our choices on the other routes too HAHAHA (I swear, it's his world and we're just living in it heh xD).  I found Malik's route super depressing (idk, even his supposed "good ends" felt so sad and "off" to me, idk why hahaha). When I got to Zen's route, I honestly cannot see Ash with anyone else but him anymore hahhaha. Like - they put "meant to be" in a whole new level, and I just feel so happy for them when they're happy and together. Haven't gotten to Fatima's route yet, but I'll do that later hehe.

Another thing I loved about this (as well as the rest of your work)  is how much background and lore you give to each character goshhh. I love love loveee that so - and definitely can see the time and effort you put into planning + creating your visual novels <3

Mayy or may not say more later - but for now, that's all that comes to my mind ;) Congrats on the release, hope more people will come to leave their comments, and hope you have a nice week ahead! 


Heyyy thanks so much!!! I am really glad that you have played all of the games before. I kind of wonder who you ship everyone else with! 

Malik's route is like the anti-hero one, maybe it seems depressing because being a real hero means sacrificing your own needs... And Ash sacrificed her friends for the sake of 'what's right' in her point of view. 

Also his route and zen's ending 1-2 was written during 2020 so I was in a pretty dark place loll


Congrats on the release! I have been following this game's development since the first demo and boy did it deliver. I know it says 10+ hours playtime but I probably played around 30 at this point (still missing 3-4 of Malik's endings and one for Altair though lol). I was also a big fan of the first two Fantasia games and you really outdid yourself with the story, humor, characters, the twist on narration mechanics this time. I played like crazy for the last 3 days and enjoyed getting closer and closer to the ending which felt right. Gotta say it was on the "awwwwwww" levels of heartwarming! :)

Thank you so much for making this game as well as the previous installments for free, and for offering the walkthrough and artbook at an affordable price. I wish I could afford to contribute more than that, but I hope your creation will get the praise and support it deserves from this community!  I am already looking forward to people comparing their favorite ships in the comments :D

Thanks so much, I really appreciate you playing the games from the first one ahhh ๐Ÿฅฒ! Who is your favorite ship, by the way?

I feel like Zen HAS to be the favorite for Ash! His story was the most organic with mutual compromise and growth imo. And this is coming from someone who placed Zen at the bottom of the LI's before playing :D

I was wondering if the canon route is Mai staying with her boss? Cause Mai and her Shorty belong together for me    

As for now there's no canon route for the other characters except for Ash. And Mai's boss can still stay alive if Mai romances other people, so it's not canon ;)

psst I love Mai and her Shorty too.

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Yayyyyy please tell me how the game is for you!

Well, that was a hell of a ride for sure! I wonder, is there a good ending for Ash and Zen? I can't seem to get anything but Zen's "Freedom" and "Heroic soul" endings. Am I missing something?..

P.S. The story is so captivating! I'm truly in love with this novel. Well done!

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Yes, there is! You'll need to finish some other routes first to get it tho! I'll release a walkthrough somewhere at the end of February ๐Ÿ˜

And thanks so much! 

Oooohhh it makes semse now! Thanks for the hint! I usually finish one route completely (bad, good, neutral ends) before moving on to the other bachelors))) Now I know why I was stuck

After finished just one route I have to create an account to comment, because this game was so good i'm on the floor bawling my eyes out because of Zen and Ash. Thank you so much for creating this game T_T

Your welcome! I hope you can get Zen's good ending!!!


Let's goooo! The game's here!!! This is gonna be great.


Yay! Look forward to find out your experience playing it!


OMG! Can't believe it's out. I thought you were making an extended demo version? I was not expecting the full game lol!!! :))


Yassss it's the full game right on for Valentine's day!!! 

Deleted 1 year ago
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The protagonist is a girl, hence why it is an otome game X3 And your welcome!!! 

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nicesu nicesu 

I'll definitely play this and post a review afterwards ๐Ÿ‘€

I hope you have a good time playing!


YAY! Please let mee know how it isss

ahhhhh finally! IT'S HERE! I've been waiting so long for this, can't wait to play it <3

Please let me know how you like it! ^^